27 de dez. de 2007


The contemporary radiojournalism requests a new formation, directed to the digital
edition, because of the requirements of the professional activity. To materialize it,
it.s necessary to appeal to the information and communication technologies (ICT),
using them as device of interaction with the apprenticees and interactivity between
them and the machine, what includes the development of abilities to deal with
computers, softwares and, specifically, with digital audio one. This is the focus of
this thesis, that traces one of the possible ways for this formation, treating to the
scientific and documentarist scenes applied in the radiojournalism, from learning
theories involving learning by doing of Piaget, the zone of proximal development
(ZPD) of Vygostky, social construction of the knowledge of Freire, and the actions
cycle and learning spiral of Valente. On the basis of action-research with
Journalism students at University of Sorocaba (Uniso), the thesis presents a
similarity and implicative analysis, evidencing that the learning process is assisted
with the use of ICT in a proposal of plural mode education, using traditional and
distance education elements.

Key words: Interaction; Interactivity; Information and communication technologies;
Digital audio edition; Teaching radiojournalism; Distance education; Plural mode

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